I can’t wait to work with your family!
I’d love to hear your story or have a quick chat! If you’re ready to connect or have more questions, send me an email below or request a complimentary call and I’ll get back to you very soon!
“I reached out to Desiree when my daughter was ten months old. We were bed-sharing, nursing non-stop all night and struggling to get on anything resembling a schedule. Nobody in our house was sleeping and I kInew something had to change but had no idea how to do it without crying it out, which was not an option.
Desiree came to our house and within 45 minutes, Hannah was asleep, in her crib, in her room, for the first time in her life. I was so shocked!
Over the next few weeks, Desiree helped us achieve our goal of having Hannah sleep through the night in her crib. She broke everything down into small, manageable steps that we could feel confident executing. Desiree was there for us along the way to answer questions, adjust our strategy based on how Hannah was responding and explain the reasoning of those reactions to us.
By Hannah’s first birthday, she was reliably sleeping independently through the night. She’s regressed a few times since (Teething! Nap dropping! Leeps) but each time Desiree is there to explain what’s going on and how to get her back on track.
Desiree, you are a life saver and you make me a better mother. Thank you for helping me understand my baby, teaching me how to help her in a loving, gentle way and most importantly, for getting me SLEEP!”